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Romance Outlines with AI
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Getting Started with Plotdrive
Notes and Transcript
Introduction to Creating Romance Outlines with AI (11:32)
Considerations for Dark Romance and Why Choose (3:58)
Customizing the Template and Prompts (2:45)
Using the Template in Raptor Write
Notes and Transcript
Premise and Main Characters in Raptor Write (14:51)
Tropes and Settings in Raptor Write (10:13)
Creating the Outline in Raptor Write (14:04)
Epilogues and Finalizing the Outline in Raptor Write (7:18)
BONUS: Using the Template in Plotdrive
Notes and Transcript
Creating the Buttons in Plotdrive (14:45)
Creating the Premise, Characters, and Tropes in Plotdrive (5:14)
Organizing Documents and Creating the Rest of the Components in Plotdrive (7:43)
Creating the Outline and Epilogues in Plotdrive (9:58)
🏃 Next Steps
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Creating the Buttons in Plotdrive
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