May 24 Lab 4 Comparing Playground And Claude With Deep Dive (Elizabeth)

The meeting discussed the use of AI tools such as Claude and Chat GPT for generating text. Speakers compared the outputs of different models and discussed how to give feedback and continue generating text. They also emphasized the importance of validating information and keeping the AI on track.


(0:02) - Introduces lab session and with focus on chat GPT

(0:33) - The first question is about when to use Playground, which Elizabeth explains is useful for iterating batches of prompts and making changes to settings

(1:36) - How Playground's chat feature can be used to simulate a system prompt and continue a task

(6:21) - Claude, an GPT tool owned by Anthropic that uses constitutional AI and prioritizes ethical considerations

(10:16) - Chat GPT is another model that is compared to the different versions of Claude and has a learning capability based on user input

(22:02) - Different prompts generated by Chat GPT, comparing the sensory details and literary style of each

(28:30) - How to give feedback on Chat GPT responses, including thumbs up/down and written feedback

(30:24) - How thumbing down a response can lead to a new answer and how to stay up to date on changes to Chat GPT

May 24 Lab 1 Comparing Playground and Claude with deep dive Lab Notes.pdf
May 24 Lab 1 Comparing Playground and Claude with deep dive Transcript.pdf
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