May 22 Lab 2 LLMs and Beginning Prompting (Leeland)

May 22 Lab 2 LLMs and beginning prompting

The meeting discussed using AI for writing, including different types of language models and tools like Novel AI and Pseudorite. They also talked about cataloging prompts and using AI to generate content for fiction writing. The group brainstormed plot ideas for a novel blending Jazz Age Detective and historical noir genres set in 1923 Chicago.

Meeting summary:

00:00 - The basic concepts of using AI for writing

01:17 - How GPT language models work, breaking down tokens and predicting what could come next based on training data

07:58 - Tools like Novel AI and Pseudorite use specific prompts and settings to get desired results from the AI model.

15:21 - Using the GPT engine for writing and demonstration of how it can generate a story outline

16:56 - Using GPT to generate content for fiction writing

19:41 - Demonstrates how GPT can be used to write articles with citations and quotes, but warns about the need to be careful with the links provided by GPT tools

34:29 - Roaring 20s mystery genre and its subgenres, discussing possible novel plots and titles

40:20 - Using GPT-4 to generate book ideas based on specific genres

May 22 Lab 2 LLMs and beginning prompting Lab Notes.pdf
May 22 Lab 2 LLMs and beginning prompting transcript.pdf
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